Short Courses and Workshops
Enroll now for these short courses and workshops.
Road Code
$0.00 -
Te Reo Māori Beginners 1 with Kaiwai Rhind
$120.00 -
Te Reo Māori Intermediate with Kaiwai Rhind
$120.00 -
Chromebook with Katoa Connect
Te Reo Māori Beginners 2 with Kaiwai Rhind
Yin Yoga with Lynette Perry
Te Akomanga Māori with Kaiwai Rhind
$120.00 -
Drawing with Daisy Saaiman
$150.00 -
Introduction to Everyday Spanish with Rachel Otero
Learn to Sew with Bea Lorimer
Italian for Travellers with Michelle Chote
$160.00 -
Japanese for Travellers with Miwa Sasaki
$160.00 -
Waiheke 100 Day Project
Make Your Own Upcycled Merino with Bea Lorimer
Te Tiriti o Waitangi with Tangata Tiriti
Introduction to Rongoā Māori Medicine with Donna Kerridge
Get Started in Amateur Radio with AREC
Regular Courses
These regular courses have not yet had dates set.
Please email interest in attending to
Intro to Google Suite with Brent Simpson
Conversational English with Mitch Chote
$120.00 -
Folders and Files with Jon Armistead
$35.00 -
Waiheke Open Orchestra
First Aid Certificate for Youth with Charli Crocker
Essential First Aid with Charli Crocker
Refresher First Aid with Charli Crocker
Botanical Drawing 2 with Jenny Lee
$150.00 -
Te Reo Māori Beginners 1 with Kaiwai Rhind
$120.00 -
Te Reo Māori Intermediate with Kaiwai Rhind
$120.00 -
Te Reo Māori Beginners 2 with Kaiwai Rhind
Te Akomanga Māori with Kaiwai Rhind
$120.00 -
Te Tiriti o Waitangi with Tangata Tiriti
Introduction to Rongoā Māori Medicine with Donna Kerridge
Intro to DJ’ing with DJ Chikaa