Friday Art Class
Ongoing on Fridays 10am – 1pm.
Explore drawing, painting and object making skills in a fun, inclusive class. Connect to your creative self, learn about other artists, and be part of class and community art projects.
Contact or phone 09 372 9868 for more information.
The Learning Centre, Artworks
2 Korora Road
Waiheke Island
Auckland 1081
map >
Phone: 09 372 9868
Tracey Sullivan is a reader, a writer and a runner, a poet, a maker and an editor, a parent of grown children and a creative educator. She has a diploma in publishing, and a post graduate diploma in teaching. She has recently completed a creative and critical Masters thesis in poetry. Her work has appeared in digital and print form in journals and anthologies, and on the radio in the Netherlands. A chapbook of her poetry, a place on earth, was published in Singapore by Math Paper Press. After many years abroad, she returned to Aotearoa New Zealand in 2019.