Welcome to Waiheke Adult Learning
Supporting the Waiheke community through learning.
Waiheke Adult Literacy Inc is a not-for-profit that specialises in supporting adult learners to achieve their goals. We offer courses and one-to-one tuition to help adult learners develop skills, strengths and confidence. We have a commitment to student-centred learning.
Community Education is lifelong learning with a Waiheke flavour. Our workshops and evening courses are taught by local tutors and cover a variety of lifestyle and employment related topics from Arts to Recreational Boating to Small Business Development. Please contact us if you have a course idea!
Current Courses
Building Apprentice Learning Support
Digital Support
Waiata o Waiheke
CV Writing
Road Code
$0.00 -
Waiheke Open Orchestra
Te Reo Māori Beginners 1 with Kaiwai Rhind
$120.00 -
Te Reo Māori Intermediate with Kaiwai Rhind
$120.00 -
Chromebook with Katoa Connect
Te Reo Māori Beginners 2 with Kaiwai Rhind
Yin Yoga with Lynette Perry
Te Akomanga Māori with Kaiwai Rhind
$120.00 -
Drawing with Daisy Saaiman
$150.00 -
Introduction to Everyday Spanish with Rachel Otero
Learn to Sew with Bea Lorimer
Italian for Travellers with Michelle Chote
$160.00 -
Japanese for Travellers with Miwa Sasaki
$160.00 -
Waiheke 100 Day Project
Make Your Own Upcycled Merino with Bea Lorimer
Te Tiriti o Waitangi with Tangata Tiriti
Introduction to Rongoā Māori Medicine with Donna Kerridge
Get Started in Amateur Radio with AREC